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Coronavirus Guide

Coronavirus Guide

The coronavirus spreading across the US and around the world is the same virus that caused SARS. The virus continues to cause symptoms and some individuals are extremely sick. Immunization is the best way to avoid illness. You can also prevent the spread by practicing safe practices. This includes maintaining a good indoor air flow as well as social distancing and wearing a mask when you go to public areas. If you do get infected, staying up to date with your medication can safeguard your body from serious illness or even death.

A single virus particle of SARS-CoV-2, known as a virion, measures around 80 nanometers across. It has a layer of protein that protects a ball made of RNA. It contains the genetic code needed to make viruses. A spike protein on a virus’ surface interacts with a receptor on healthy cells. It is typically a protein named ACE2. This allows the virus to enter the cell. Once inside the host cell it can hijack the protein-making machinery of the host cell to create hundreds or thousands of copies. These virions eventually leave the cell and infect other cells, making more viruses.

People who are infected by this new coronavirus may experience symptoms such as a dry nose and cough, as well as sore throat, and fever. Certain people may have more serious symptoms, like pneumonia, heart and lung problems. Most people recover with no long-term effects.

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