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What is the m a Process?


M a processThe m a process, which is referred to as MA(q), is the general finite-order system that is an autoregressive representation of a covariance stationary series. It is a stationary process in the sense that the conditional expectation for the present is solely a function of the lagged and current unknown shocks. This is known as the partial autocorrelation.

MA(q) MA(q) does not have an exclusive MA polynomial, which is different from AR processes. In fact, there are numerous possibilities for MA(q) polynomials called lag operator polynomials that could be stationary and possess the same asymptotic characteristics.

It is therefore normal to impose invertibility constraints on the MA polynomial in order to guarantee that the process is causal. This ensures that past events (and not future ones) are the only ones that can be predicted by current events.

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